Pests can cause big problems for you. Although it can be costly, pests have to be taken care of. Use these tips to get rid of your pests.
If you’re dealing with the spider known as the brown recluse, sticky traps can catch them. It can be hard to get to these critters with chemicals, as they hide in deep areas. At night they search for food. Good places to put these traps are behind furniture and along baseboards.
Don’t buy a home without having a professional exterminator examine it first. Certain kinds of infestation are obvious, but remember that you will not really know what type of pest problems you will have until you live in the house for a little while.
Bedbugs hide in a variety of locations, making them hard to completely get rid of. Prior to exterminating, close open holes. This way, bugs have no place to hide.
Do you have a pest problem? Use borax and sugar to terminate them. Sugar attracts them while the borax kills them. Mix equal parts sugar and borax in a small, lidded jar. Put holes in your lid, and then sprinkle it along your home’s foundation.
Fleas are a notoriously hard problem to solve. You can do a number of things to battle this problem, however. Start by vacuuming them every day and then using a flea spray. When you have finished vacuuming, put your vacuum cleaner bag inside a plastic bag, seal it and put it in the hot sun. After it’s been in the sun for a day, throw it away.
Mint is a great deterrent for keeping mice away. Mint around your foundation of the house will help, and it’s a perennial. Mice do not like mint and will avoid your home. If mice is living in your home, you can sprinkle mint leaves all around the area where you see signs of mice. This can repel these pesky pests, but use fresh mint leaves.
As the introduction went over, pest infestations are not only annoying, but bad for your health too. Thus, prompt action is required. Apply these ideas and identify, isolate and kill the pests in your home.