It is no fun to have bugs. Pests are able to get into what you eat, while bringing discomfort too. These problems make it imperative to deal with pests as quickly as possible, and this article will help you do that.
To eliminate pest problems indoors, vacuum every rug in your home. This will get the bugs and ants in the living room, kitchen and den. Dispose of the vacuum cleaner bag in an outside receptacle as soon as possible.
Start with the source. Your first step is to eliminate the pests’ food source. One reason you may have a problem is because your house provides food, water or shelter for a pest. Search for and get rid of food scraps, leaks or entry points.
Is your home swarming with ants? Use borax and sugar to terminate them. The scent of the sugar will draw them into the deadly borax. A cup of borax and a cup of sugar will do it. Sprinkle the mixture around your home.
Fleas can be tough to eliminate, but there are ways to approach them. The first thing to do is to thoroughly vacuum everyday, than spray the area with a good flea spray. Remember to throw away your vacuum bag after vacuuming your house.
If you have rats and mice and wish to plant new trees, don’t plant them very close to the building. Trees allow rodents to climb up and enter your home via the roof. Make sure they are a minimum of 15 feet away from the house.
Try to block out mosquitoes from coming into your living area. Don’t allow areas of standing and stagnant water. Mosquitoes are able to breed in areas with even only a few drops of water.
Make sure you apply what you’ve just learned. These annoying critters can really cause problems, so you must eliminate them quickly. Use the things discussed here and you’ll hopefully start ridding yourself of the pests you’re dealing with.