If your home is infested with pests, you may have a hard time chasing them off. Doing so can cost quite a bit of money and be an inconvenience to your life. Apply this advice, and control the pests before they get out of control.
Plug holes that mice or other pests can enter with steel wool. Although rodents can chew through many different kinds of materials, this steel wool is too tough for them. Any opening larger than a half inch should be stuffed. These animals can squeeze through extremely small openings.
Do not forget about getting your home tested for pests before buying. Some pest problems are easy to spot, but others pests may be invisible because they hide in the home’s foundation or insulation. You won’t be able to identify these problems with a simple walkthrough.
Outdoor perimeter sprays are great for insect prevention. Spray around the foundation, porches, steps and anything near a door or a window. While you spray, look around for crevices that pests can use as an entrance point to your home. Seal these areas with caulk or another appropriate filler.
To definitively learn whether you have termites, use a trained dog. A person can only tell you what he sees. Not so with a dog! A dog that is trained to sniff them out can cover 100% of your home. The seek methane gases that come from the termites’ wood eating process.
Those who are contending with flying bugs must make repairs to all window screens. Such screens are great for preventing the entry of flying insects, but they also keep crawlers out too. It’s important to repair any holes in screens around your home.
It’s easy to get pests, but it’s hard to get rid of them. You should have learned what you can do to keep them away. Sometimes the only solution is to call in the professionals.